Info on Myths and Folktales. (Here's my other site)

Baba Yaga is a supernatural being from Slavic folklore, typically depicted as an old and ugly woman with a hooked nose and disheveled hair. She is known for her magical abilities, often associated with spells, potions, and divination. Baba Yaga lives in a hut deep in the forest, which stands on chicken legs and can move around at will. Her character is complex and multifaceted, sometimes helping those who seek her out but also frequently playing cruel tricks on them. In some versions of the myth, Baba Yaga is considered a guardian of the natural world and a protector of the forest, while in others she is a malevolent figure associated with witchcraft and evil. Here's a more informative article about her.

The Witch of Endor is a figure from the Hebrew Bible who appears in the Book of Samuel. According to the story, King Saul, who was in a dire situation and seeking guidance from God, went to the Witch of Endor, who was known for her ability to communicate with the dead. The Witch of Endor summoned the spirit of the prophet Samuel, who had recently died, and he prophesied to Saul about his impending defeat and death. The identity and nature of the Witch of Endor have been a subject of debate and interpretation, with some scholars suggesting that she was a fraud and others viewing her as a genuine practitioner of magic. In popular culture, the Witch of Endor has been portrayed in various ways, sometimes as a sinister figure and at other times as a sympathetic one. Here's a more informative article about her.

Merlin is a legendary figure from Arthurian mythology, often portrayed as a wise and powerful wizard who serves as King Arthur's advisor and confidant. He is known for his magical abilities, including foresight and shape-shifting, and his role as a mentor and teacher to Arthur. In some versions of the myth, Merlin is depicted as a prophet who predicts the fall of Camelot, while in others he is a loyal and trusted ally who helps Arthur overcome his enemies. Merlin's character has been portrayed in various ways throughout history and literature, sometimes as a mysterious and enigmatic figure and at other times as a more human and relatable one. Here's a more informative article about him.

Morgan le Fay is a legendary figure from Arthurian mythology, often portrayed as a powerful sorceress and half-sister of King Arthur. She is known for her beauty, intelligence, and cunning, as well as her magical abilities, which she uses for both good and evil purposes. In some versions of the myth, Morgan le Fay is a key member of the court of Camelot and a loyal supporter of her brother, while in others she is a bitter enemy who seeks to undermine Arthur's reign. Morgan le Fay has been portrayed in various ways throughout history and literature, sometimes as a sympathetic and tragic figure and at other times as a villainous and manipulative one. Here's a more informative article about her.